7:00 PM Zoom – Understanding Self-Compassion
St. Thomas’ and Good Shepherd parishioners are invited to join this online discussion Wednesday, November 2nd at 7:00 to 8:30 pm. on Zoom.
In this 1.5 hour online class Rev. Arianne Rice, rector of Good Shepherd, will facilitate teaching and conversation to broaden our understanding of self-compassion. Do you relate to yourself with a forgiving, accepting, and loving attitude when mistakes happen? Most of us do not. Self-compassion, like gratitude, is a practice, a way of seeing and being that replenishes our compassion for others, helps us set boundaries for ourselves and in relationships with others, and is good for our health! This class will draw on scripture, the work of Kristen Neff, and the book “Atlas of the Heart” and “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brené Brown.